Medical directions

The department of obstetrics and gynecology aims to: 
 Manage pregnant patients including antenatal management on the outpatient basis; 
 Manage physiologic (natural) delivery or perform caesarian section (inpatient); 
 Manage pathologic conditions during pregnancy (inpatient); 
 Provide neonatal…

Oncology department aims to diagnose and treat oncologic diseases. Early detection of these pathologic conditions gives us a chance to save the patient’s life. Most important and common malignancies are diagnosed in: 
 Breast tissue; 
 Neck (including thyroid…

Includes the diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of the diseases of the eye. Common diseases include: 
 These diseases are mostly surgically treated. 
 In some cases, therapeutic treatment plan involves…

Orthopedic surgery uses endoprosthesis or other reconstructional methods for treating acute and chronic pathological conditions in the large (hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow) and small (wrist, phalanges) joints. Surgical intervention is indicated in both congenital and acquired pathologies.

The combined specialties of diseases of the ear, nose, pharynx, and larynx; including treating diseases of the head and neck, tracheobronchial tree, and esophagus. Treatment could be both surgical and pharmaceutical. Common problems include: 
 Ear infections; 