
24 May, 2022
It is well known that exercise and physical activity is an integral part of health. One of the healthiest types of trainings is water trainings, including swimming and aqua aerobics. If you spend 1 hour on this, you will easily be able to weight loss. Water is about 12 times more resistance than air, so it’s a good way to strengthen the muscles. Exercise in water is ideal for those who suffer from excess weight. As it is in the water, you will feel your body weight is only 10%, which makes training easier and enjoyable. Water exercises are also ideal for people who suffer from pain in the joints and spine. Swimming and water exercises strengthen the muscles of the spine and joints without load, which reduces pain and analgesic drugs, the need for acceptance. That is why it is often prescribed by doctors. Aqua-aerobics improves self-motivation level and is ideal for people who suffer from mild depression, fibromyalgia, or other constant pressures. Aqua- aerobics significantly reduces symptoms such as swelling of the legs, pain and discomfort. In the summer a lot of people refuse to execute the training, because it is more difficult to exercise in the heat. So water trainings are appropriate for summer trainings as well.