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DEFINITION ალკოჰოლის აუტანლობა იწვევს სწრაფად განვითარებულ უსიამოვნო შეგრძნებებს ალკოჰოლის მიღების შემდეგ. ყველაზე ხშირი სიმპტომები ცხვირის ღრუს დახშობა და კანის წამოწითლებაა. ალკოჰოლის აუტანლობა გენეტიკური მდგომარეობაა. ასეთ პაციენტებში ორგანიზმი ვერ შლის ალკოჰოლს, რაც იწვევს სხვადასხვა სიმპტომს. ალკოჰოლის აუტანლობის მკურნალობა ალკოჰოლისაგან თავის შეკავებაა. …

DEFINITION Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and often avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed. 
 With agoraphobia, you fear…

DEFINITION Age spots — also called liver spots and solar lentigines — are flat tan, brown or black spots. They vary in size and usually appear on the face, hands, shoulders and arms — areas most exposed to the sun.…

DEFINITION Adult Still’s disease is a rare type of arthritis that features a sore throat, a salmon-colored rash and a high fever that spikes once or twice a day. Joint pain tends to develop a few weeks after these initial…

DEFINITION Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition exhibited by difficulty maintaining attention, as well as hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. Adult ADHD symptoms can lead to a number of problems, including unstable relationships, poor work or school performance,…

DEFINITION Adrenoleukodystrophy (uh-dree-noh-loo-koh-DIS-truh-fee) is a type of hereditary (genetic) condition that damages the membrane that insulates nerve cells in your brain (myelin sheath). In adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), your body can’t break down very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA), causing saturated VLCFAs to…

DEFINITION Acanthosis nigricans (ak-an-THOE-sis NIE-grih-kuns) is a skin condition characterized by areas of dark, velvety discoloration in body folds and creases. The affected skin can become thickened and may smell bad. Most often, acanthosis nigricans affects your armpits, groin and…

DEFINITION Achalasia is a rare disorder that makes it difficult for food and liquid to pass into your stomach. Achalasia occurs when the food tube (esophagus) loses the ability to squeeze food down, and the muscular valve between the esophagus…

DEFINITION Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne usually appears on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Effective treatments are available, but acne can be persistent.…

DEFINITION Acoustic neuroma is an uncommon, noncancerous (benign) and usually slow-growing tumor that develops on the main nerve leading from your inner ear to your brain. Because branches of this nerve directly influence your balance and hearing, pressure from an…

DEFINITION Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that develops when your pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone during adulthood. When this happens, your bones increase in size, including those of your hands, feet and face. Acromegaly usually affects middle-aged adults.…

DEFINITION An actinic keratosis (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) is a rough, scaly patch on your skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. It’s most commonly found on your face, lips, ears, back of your hands, forearms, scalp or neck.…