Audiology is the study regarding the causes of deafness and decreased auditory perception. These studies aim to create new diagnostic and treatment methods (surgery, assisting hearing devices, etc.).
Risk-factors for deafness:
- Hereditary risk-factors;
- Premature Infants;
- Hypoxic state during gestation or delivery (Low oxygen content in the infant);
- Infectious diseases during pregnancy (measles, syphilis, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, herpes);
- Using ototoxic medications during pregnancy (their irrational use, wrong dosage, or any decision that might lead to auditory nerve damage);
- Rhesus factor incompatibility;
- Infectious diseases (meningitis; measles, mumps, chronic infectious otitis);
- Head or ear trauma;
- Ear wax or foreign bodies in the external auditory canal;
- Loud noise, explosions;
- Decreased auditory perception due to external ear damage is mostly successfully treated (there might be some exceptions).